Sunday, April 20, 2008


When I agreed to move to Illinois to be closer to Hubby, I NEVER in a million years thought that we would be in store for Earthquakes!!

About 4:30am on Friday we were all awakened by a shaking house and shaking beds!! I thought that there must have been a tornado come close to us, but in fact, it was an earthquake!!

I have NEVER been in an earthquake and didn't know what to expect. We did have a tornado come very close to us about 7 years ago. The house shook and we heard a "train" sound, but this was different. When I got up to go get the kids with the intention of heading for the basement, Hubby said, "I think it was an explosion or an earthquake!" We looked out the windows and didn't see any obvious signs of a fire, so Hubby assumed it was an earthquake.

Since he had witnessed many of them during his time in Russia and Japan he was confident that what we had felt was in fact an earthquake. I was a little more skeptical. I immediately turned on the news and after 20 minutes, they confirmed that what we had felt was indeed an earthquake. All I could think was, "why in the hell am I feeling an earthquake when I live in the middle of the country?" I was under the dilusion that earthquakes happened in Hawaii and California. I had no idea that they could happen here in the Midwest!!

We have had a couple of aftershocks, but sustained no damage (except for a pair of curtains that I put up very hastily that fell down during the tremor).

This seems to be a very interesting place!!!

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