Such a sad story has been broadcast all over the national news for the past few days after the discovery of a little girl's body, which was stuffed in a storage box, was found on a remote island in Galveston, Texas. Apparantly her tiny body sustained a fatal skull fracture and she was disposed of like a piece of garbage on an island that is so remote that it is a miracle that she was found only 2 weeks after her death.
NO CHILD deserves such a heinous death and disposal. This is one of the most deplorable acts that I have ever heard of and the inhumae bastards that had a hand in this are the most dispicable of the human race.
Whether this was an outright murder of an innocent child, or whether it was an accidental death that the child's caregivers chose to cover up, this child's death and disposal is an outcry to all human beings that children are NOT disposable in any way, shape, or form. Children are to be nurtured, loved, and taught. ALL children deserve a happy childhood, a safe home, and a stable environment and it is the duty of ALL adults to provide that for them. ALL OF THEM!!
Child predators can be found in nearly every neighborhood in our country. Abusive parents and guardians are on nearly every other street. Children are being severely short-changed in life and it is time that the ADULTS of this world step up and protect EVERY child, whether it be their own, a neighbor, a student, or friend. We must step in to protect these children and take an oath to shield them from the horrors that can fall upon them.
It breaks my heart to think of what this child must have gone through at the hands of the criminals that did this to her. We can only hope that her soul is at peace.