Thursday, December 20, 2007
Homeschool Mama
Rea did the online prep school last year and finished her Freshman year with a 3.8 GPA. Not too shabby!! She worked really hard and we were so proud of her! Yet, when she finished, we re-enrolled her in her local public High School. Emphasize "High" in High School. When she went back she told us that the drug use at the High School was overwhelming and the peer pressure was too much to bear. She ended up failing most of her classes and admitted to us that she failed on purpose so that she would be placed back in her online classes.
That was just the tip of the iceburg. Even though she had failed most of her classes the first 6 weeks and continued to fail the 2nd 6 weeks, we had nearly NO communication from her instructors, even though we emailed and called wanting to discuss her grades. It seems that the High School has a policy to hold the kids COMPLETELY responsible for EVERYTHING they do. The teachers stand up in front of the class, teach their lesson, then expect the kids to either know what they have been taught, or find an outside tutor. This is appauling!!!
Regardless, we pulled Rea out of public school and put her back in her wonderful online High School.
Meanwhile, Bubsy was having the same problems with his grades and classes. Even though I was in CONSTANT contact with his teachers and even met with ALL of them, plus the counselor, he continued to bring home failing grades. We were just not willing to let him go down the same path as Rea, so we yanked him out of the school we thought was one of the best in the state, and decided to homeschool him as well.
Even though I call them "homeschooled" they are both being taught by a group of highly educated and experienced teachers and they both complete all of their work online. Bubsy will finish 7th grade in April, then he will enroll in the same prep school that Rea attends for his 8th grade year and beyond.
I can't say enough about the online courses that they are taking. They are very challenging and the one-on-one instruction that they are provided is second to none. It is costing us a fortune, though. However, we both feel it is worth the price to give them the education that they deserve.
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Holiday Club Lighting

Our neighborhood had it's annual Club Lighting tonight, complete with a snow slide, arts and crafts, ice sculptures, a train ride, horse drawn carriage and even a visit from Santa. My big sister and her hubby came up to join us and we had a good time! The biggest hit of the evening was the snow slide. Usually they make a huge mound of snow for the kids to play in, but since some of the older kids thought it would be funny to pummel the adults with snowballs, they decided to go with the snow slide this year. It was set up and run by students from A&M University. All my kids went down it and loved it, but it wasn't the same without being able to dive into the huge pile of snow.
The Decorators

Sunday, November 25, 2007
A Visit to the Country

Like Mother, Like Daughter
Old Friends

Happy Thanksgiving!

Monday, November 5, 2007
Baby Grace
Friday, November 2, 2007
Goodbye Greek, Goodbye.
In fact, she did call him and told him that she was online. He then proceeded to "break up" with her over IM!! Rea said he has been very down the past few days and that he was upset that his ex-girlfriend had been harassing Rea at school. Ro (the ex) has been calling Rea names and threatning to beat Rea up because she is dating Greek. The problem had grown so bad that I had threatened to call the school to put a stop to the crap that Ro was dishing out to Rea.
It seems that Greek has been feeling really bad about what Ro has been doing to Rea and decided to end the relationship to keep Rea from being harassed further (so he says). If that is true, then he is a true gentleman. We shall see. Rea wasn't very upset and seemed to be OK with his decision and very understanding about the whole matter. Perhaps there is more to the story. Aah, teenage love!
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Happy Halloween!

Sunday, October 28, 2007
Dad Meets Greek
They had a good day hanging out with their friends, but got bored at Trunk or Treat so they found a nice bench to sit on at the driving range (right next to T or T festivities). Of course, since it was dark and I couldn't see them, I called her about every 10 minutes to check on them! Ha! I remember how I was at that age, raging hormones and all!
Anyway, he passed Dan's test and won a tenative approval for the time being!
Bubby's Birthday Party

Trunk or Treat WINNERS!

Mighty BBs beat the Lady Dogs after 25-1 Loss!
Mom on Strike!
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Chalk up Another WIN!!
We played the same team we played last weekend and the coaches were so awful! One coach scolded a player asking her if she had "any brains, and if so you should use them"! This team is from a neighboring town and their coaches and parents are acclaimed for being that of the "redneck" sort. Not only in softball, but in football and baseball as well. It is very discouraging to see a coach, and often times parents, berate a child in the middle of a game in front of dozens of spectators. At this age, the kids are not able to shrug off these comments. They need to be encouraged at this point and be praised for every effort, whether right or wrong and be pointed in the right direction.
Kudos to OUR coaching staff. There has NEVER been one harsh word or derrogatory comment made during a game or even in practice!! EVERY comment is positive, even if they make a mistake!! Way to go MGSA coaches!! Well done!
Friday, October 19, 2007
MES 3rd Grade Program

Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Reclaiming America's Children
I know I am not alone in raising children that have seen more failing grades than I ever imagined, endured more conversations with snide remarks and "whatevers" than I ever knew, and tried to discipline rowdy children who threatened to report my soft spanking as that of "child abuse". I am sick and tired of trying to win a war against my children that technology has waged.
Where have we gone wrong? Most of us with children in Elementary through High School were brought up in the 1980's and early 90's. We, of course, didn't have the technology that is lurking around the corner ready to consume another child with it's vile and vulgur demeanour and it's promise to make them the center of the universe, which is a big promise that all youngsters long to make real.
We were brought up in the early MTV generation. MTV was bad enough in our days, but it is now filled with nearly-pornographic images that our children try to emulate, much as we did with the original MTV in our day. Of course in our day, we tried to emulate Michael Jackson's moon walk or Madonna's clothing style. Now our children are trying to figure out ways to have sex in the bathroom of their Middle Schools, because that is what MTV teaches them is "cool".
It's not only MTV and the freely ucensored television industry that plagues us. They are a drop in the bucket. Kids are given cell phones with picture capbilities and are more often than not, photographing themselves in compromising positions and sending their photos to their friends which often times end up on My Space or You Tube.
They are given free access to the internet and are able to access anything they please. They have their own web space that is obtainable without their parent's permission, on which their friends can post filthy messages and photos as they please and more often than not, the parents cannot even see their child's web page because they have devised clever ways to mask their location from their parents. These web pages are not easily removed either, thanks to the vast availability of alternate email addresses that can be created for free with no parental consent which can be used to create these web pages.
Our children are overwhelmed with the technology that is portrayed and advertised as being "the norm". They are so pressured to fit into "the norm" that they set aside the values and morals and the importance of education that we as parents have taught them, and set their own standards to be an all-inclusive member of the "technology generation".
As parents, we must reclaim our children. Turn off the television, confiscate the phones, disconnect the internet. Let's teach our children the right way to live before we slowly and responsibly introduce any of these things back into their lives. Stop trying to prove your love to them by buying them the most recent cell phone or iPod that has gone on the market. Show them your love by spending time with them and proving that you care about their future.
Our children must learn and know and honest right from wrong in order to be positive members of society. They cannot think that Brittney Spears' latest incident has anything to do with their own life. They must be able to make a disconnect between what the media and entertainment industry is telling them is right and what is actually good and wholesome. We must reclaim the minds of our children, because our country will be run by them within the next 20 years.
I Still Love You BOYS!
It was looking like it might be a point in the winner's column before it completely fell apart. Let's get back to the basics BOYS, and enjoy the game and play as a team. Lose the penalties, because without them, you CAN take it all the way to the Superbowl! I've got a long standing bet on it!!
I love you, my Dallas Cowboys!
Saturday, October 13, 2007

I don't know who watched the Cowboys game last Monday night, but it was the BEST game I had ever seen. As I had missed my episodes of "Depereate Housewives" and "Brothers and Sisters", I decided to watch them online since the Cowboys weren't winning as of half-time. Of course, I was watching my shows on my laptop as the COWBOYS were on the big screen, but wasn't paying much attention to the game as I thought it was already lost.
What a surprise I had when in the 4th quarter they rallied together for the WIN!!! Even though Tony Romo had 6 turnovers, the BOYS were united to bring them to the final play of the game (which had to be replayed because of a chicken-soup time-out by the BILLS). The little ROOKIE kicked two 53 yard field goals (the one that was kicked AFTER the Bills called a TO, and the other to WIN THE GAME!). Way to go COWBOYS!! You ARE America's team, and you certainly are MY team!! LET'S BEAT NEW ENGLAND!!
A Winning Season, Perhaps?

Sunday, October 7, 2007
First Date
Piggy and I went to see "The Game Plan" and Rea, Greek, and Bubsy went to see another flick. Not sure if Rea really wanted Bubsy to tag along on her "date", but it put my mind at ease, not that they would do anything wrong, but I do remember how I was at that age! Especially in a dark theater!
Bubsy was adamant that he sit behind them so he could make sure that Greek didn't make the moves on his big sister, but he ended up sitting right next to Rea. What a dutiful lil' brother! I can't imagine how he will be when he's chaperoning one of Piggy's dates!! Poor Piggy!
Rea and Greek were really cute together, and he was VERY respectful. No hand holding or arms around the shoulders in front of me! He even said he would like to meet Rea's Dad (heaven help him!).
Rea asked me today at lunch how I thought her Dad would react to meeting him, and I had to give her a little lesson about boyfriends and Dads!
I told her that her Dad wouldn't like ANY boy she brought home and probably wouldn't even like the man she chooses to marry, until about 10 years after the wedding and only after he's sufficiently proven himself a good husband and dutiful provider. So, I urged her to not be discouraged when Greek finally meets Dad! And I'm sure this will be the first of several boyfriends, so I wanted her to have the right disposition so she could understand how Daddy's become overly protective of their little girls.
In fact, I think (after 16 years, 3 kids, a lovely home and stability), that my own father finally accepts Hubby! Ha! Right Dad?
Friday, October 5, 2007
All Is Well
Bubsy ran another CC meet tonight and did well. He ran against 200 other competitors in his heat. He didn't medal, but he finished and I am so proud of him!! He was so tired when I picked him up and went straight to bed when we got home. He said that he was going to sleep until Tuesday morning when he had to go back to school!! He's exhausted!
Piggy has her first fall ball game tomorrow morning and she is very excited! Her team is full of beginners, but I'm sure they will do well. Their coach is teaching the fundamentals right now. Although, I'm wishing I had bumped her up to an upper division for the competition, she is learning things and refreshing on what she knew.
Rea has a date planned with the GREEK GOD that she is dating. Not sure when, but they are planning on going to the movies over the long weekend. He is very cute and they make a very cute couple. He is also a world traveler, and was in Europe with his Dad just after Rea and I were in February. How funny it would have been if she had spotted him at JFK or something!!
These two are both really old souls. They have talked for the past 2 years, but just hooked up when Rea went back to school. He is in debate and is a very smart kid. And he's Buddhist! Even though his parents are Christian or Catholic (can't remember which). He's a nice kid from what I can tell. We'll see!
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Lullaby on Broadway by MHS Womens Concert Choir

Run Bubsy, Run!
Huh? You're Kidding Me, Right?

Well, not even a week had passed since the golf cart incident when Bubsy got a call from one of the two girls involved in the fiasco. She wanted to know if he wanted to go joy riding on the GOLF CART!!
I was stunned, to say the least. He laughed her off and didn't even bother asking me as he knew what my answer would be. I can't believe after all they had done and all the trouble they caused, that their grandparents would allow them near the cart for a very long while. I guess I was wrong.
Then, to top it off, Rea was on MySpace chatting with friends when she came across a post from one of the girls. The post claimed that they were going to go "egg" 2 kids houses here in the neighborhood that they didn't like. WHAT?!?
Honestly, I wish they would egg my house because I would call the cops on them so that maybe they could finally get some well needed discipline!
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
The Golf Cart Incident

The Shot

After waiting about 30 minutes (believe me... she was watching the clock!) we finally got to see the Registrar. As we got comfortable in the crappy office chairs, the Registrar alerted us right off the bat that Rea needed a Tetanus shot and would not be allowed enroll until she got one.
Damn. Now I've got to go all the way home for her shot record and try to get her an appointment.
Double Damn. She's gonna miss the pep rally.
So we go all the way home and get the shot record. Meanwhile, I call her doctor's office to see about getting her an appointment for the shot.
Her doctor. The man who has seen every cough, spider bite, sprained ankle, sore throat, twisted knee, ear infection, and acid reflux incident for our entire family for the past 5 years. The doctor, who's old receptionist knew me by voice and greeted me with "which one is it this time?"
There was never a wait, you see, as the old receptionist always told me to "come on in and we'll work you in right away." The old receptionist made sure that we never had to wait more than 5 minutes before being called by the nurse to "come on back". As she waited for us to sashay our way across the waiting room floor, she never failed to ask us about personal things that were going on ("Bubsy, are you playing football this year?", "Piggy, how's softball going?"). You couldn't help but feel special and a bit smug knowing that the others who were still waiting their turn must have felt a little bit envious of the greeting we received.
I was disgusted and frustrated and immediately vowed not to EVER go back to the doctor and his nurses that we have trusted and admired for 5 years. These are people that we stop and talk to at the grocery store, or on the sidewalk. All because of his new receptionist, who's icy personality and inability to make a decision for herself without consulting her trusted computer, has made my life a living hell whenever one of my children is in need of medical care.
Knowing we needed the shot immediately, we were forced to wait until 10:00 when the local Urgent Care clinic opened. It cost me $200 for the shot and office visit (they don't accept my insurance) and the office visit took more than an hour because the doctor decided that he was going to give me my money's worth and give Rea a full physical, even though I told him that she didn't need one. He asked her every question in the book, the proceeded to ask me to give him a FULL medical history on her father and me, since we were her parents, after all. He then checked her spine, heart, lungs, reflexes, balance, agility, muscular activity, bowels, and eyes, ears, nose and throat. Whew! And imagine, all we needed was a tetanus shot!
When the doctor got finished with his unnecessary exam, he left the room, told the nurse to prepare the shot, and VOILA! Within 3 minutes the nurse had prepared the shot, administered it, and we were out the door and on our way to the parking lot.
AAARRRGGGHH! was all I could think as we drove back to the damn school with the damn shot record, signed by the damn doctor who charged me $200 damn dollars and took so damn long because he insisted on a damn physical, all because of the damn icy receptionist that replaced Miss S. couldn't work us into her damn schedule because her damn computer told her they were too damn busy.
Damn it Miss S, why did you have to go?
Monday, September 17, 2007
Spice Cake

One of the things that I love about Fall is the smell of spices! I have been burning a spice candle for a week now, which has gotten me in the mood to bake a spice cake. I found this recipe in Country Living and it looks delicious. I can't wait to smell the fragrant spices wafting from the hot oven as the smell fills the house!!
Grandma Stonesifier's Spice Cake
- Vegetable oil cooking spray
- 1/2 cup (1 stick) unsalted butter, softened
- 1/2 cup vegetable shortening
- 1 cup firmly packed dark brown sugar
- 1 cup granulated sugar
- 4 large eggs
- 1 1/4 cups buttermilk
- 1 tsp. vanilla extract
- 1 tsp. baking soda
- 2 tsp. baking powder
- 1 1/2 tsp. ground cinnamon
- 1/2 tsp. ground nutmeg
- 1/2 tsp. ground allspice
- 1 tsp. Dutch processed cocoa
- 1/4 tsp. ground cloves
- 2 cups all-purpose flour
- Prepare the cake pans: Lightly coat two 9-inch pans with cooking spray. Cut two 9-inch circles of parchment or waxed paper and fit them into the bottom of the cake pans. Lightly coat the paper circles with cooking spray and set aside.
- Make the batter: Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. In a large bowl, using an electric mixer on medium speed, cream butter and shortening until smooth. Add the sugars and mix until well blended. Add the eggs, one at a time, beating well after each addition, until the mixture is smooth and light. Set aside. In a 2-cup glass measure, stir the buttermilk and vanilla extract together. In another large bowl, sift to combine the baking soda, baking powder, cinnamon, nutmeg, allspice, cocoa, cloves, and flour. Set aside. By thirds, alternately add the flour mixture and buttermilk to the creamed butter mixture, blending well after each addition.
- Bake the cake: Pour batter into the pans and bake until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean -- 30 to 40 minutes. Cool the cakes completely on wire racks. Remove parchment from each layer.
- Serve the cake: Frost with Orange Cream-Cheese Frosting and serve.
- One 8-oz package cream cheese, softened
- 1/4 cup unsalted butter (1/2 stick), softened
- 1 tbsp. fresh orange juice
- 1 tsp. grated orange zest
- 1/2 tsp. pure vanilla extract
- 4 cups confectioners' sugar
- 1/4 tsp. orange food coloring (optional)
- Make the frosting: Blend the cream cheese, butter, orange juice, orange zest, and vanilla in a large bowl, using an electric mixer set at medium speed, until smooth. Add the sugar and continue to beat until light and creamy - about three more minutes. Add the food coloring and gently stir until the color is uniform.
- Chill the frosting: Chill until ready to ice your cake.
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Fall is in the Air

Asshole Coach
Bubsy had a CC meet this weekend and they were not given a return time by their coach, so Bubsy said he would call me when they were on their way so I could pick him up at the school. No big deal.
Bubsy's coach has been a real jerk since Day 1 of Jr. High. He has had the attitude that he doesn't enjoy what he is doing and he has constantly taken it out on the boys. Perhaps he is upset that he is stuck coaching CC instead of football. Who knows. None of the boys like him and he doesn't say much of anything unless it is critical. There is no pep talks, no compliments, no anything but a scowl on his face.
After I dropped Bubsy off at the school at 5:30am, I came home and went back to bed because I was totally exhausted. At 10:00 he called and said that they were only a few minutes away from the school. I jumped out of bed, grabbed my keys and took off for the school. I was there 15 minutes later. When I arrived, Bubsy was sitting on the sidewalk. Everyone else had been picked up and it was only Bubsy and the crabby coach who were left. When I pulled up the coach gave me a look that could ice a volcano. I'm like, "what the hell?"
When Bubsy got in the car, I asked him how long it how long it had been since everyone else had left. He said it had been quite a while. I'm thinking "what am I missing here? I came as soon as he called". Bizarre. Then Bubsy tells me that the coach was really upset that he had to sit and wait until I arrived. He told Bubsy to call me and tell me to "hurry up" because he was tired of waiting. WHAT???
Apparently, Bubsy didn't realize how close they were to the school when he called, so I didn't get the heads up as soon as the other parents, which is why it took me longer to get there. Not to mention the fact that we live the farthest far from the school, so I was probably going to be one of the last to get there anyway. Honestly, the coach should have told everyone to call their parents when they were about 10 miles from the school, but NO, he left it up to the kids (honestly, do you really think a bus full of Junior High boys are paying ANY attention to where they are at or anything that is going on outside the bus?). Then he wanted to complain that not everyone was picked up as expediently as he would have liked and then wanted to take his frustration out on MY son and make him feel like he had losers for parents. I WAS PISSED OFF!!!
Being a coach is an important job that involves being a mentor, a leader, a teacher, a cheerleader, a spirit lifter, a confidence builder, and a protector. This guy is NONE of those things. He sits on his fat ass on the side instead of running with the boys, he criticizes, he NEVER gives compliments, he berates the kids (and their parents), and he makes them feel like inferior. I think this asshole needs to find another job that has NOTHING to do with children.
So now that I realize that I need to start letting go, I made a very hard decision on Friday night. It was a HUGE step for me! Friday night was Homecoming and Rea asked me if she could ride to the ballgame with some friends. Yes, she asked to be turned loose to get in a car with 3 other teenagers and be driven 10 miles down a farm to market road in a car driven by a 17 year old!
SHIT!! That was all I could think for a few minutes as my mind temporarily froze up, not unlike my computer does at times when I really need to do something important, but then are forced to reboot it and start over. Well after I finally rebooted my brain I realized that I had to let her go. Needless to say, I didn't like my decision, but I was proud that I made the first step to what I know would be an endless string of hard decisions.
The kids and I got to the game about 30 minutes before Rea and her friends. My nerves were ragged as I sat in the bleachers waiting for her to arrive. I only called her 4 times! When she did arrive, I breathed a sigh of relief and tried to act "normal" when I saw her. I pushed away the tears that were welling up in my eyes (I've been doing a lot of that lately!) and restrained myself from throwing my arms around her! So she (and I) survived her first joy ride with the teenage species! Whew!
Rea wasn't alone in getting some freedom that night from this awfully overprotective mother. For the first time in the history of our town, the Friday night Homecoming game was SOLD OUT! They had to start seating our spectators on the visitors side because the bleachers were packed like sardines. Well, just barely into the 2nd quarter, Piggy got thirsty and asked if she could go down to the concession stand and get a drink. Well, we have been to many High School football games and have stood in line at the concession stand waiting for our chance to buy those cheesy nachos, artery clogging Frito pie, and giant pickles, but NEVER have we allowed Piggy to go by herself.
After she asked me about a dozen times if she could go by herself, I finally relented and said "Yes". I immediately felt a bit sick about my decision, but I really didn't want to get up and push my fat self out of the crammed row I was on, saying "excuse me" to the 12 people that I would have to squeeze past to get to the stairs and then not know if I would have a seat when I returned. Now, it's not like Piggy was going across a busy street to the convenience store. She was going down about 10 steps to the concession stand directly below us. Not to mention that I knew about 78% of the people at the game, ALL of whom know Piggy. So she went on her journey with a 5 dollar bill and returned safe and sound a few minutes later with a Sprite and a giant pixie stick. Whew! Again with the tears when I saw her. I pushed them back down and told her how proud I was of her. We both survived! Two points for Mom and ten points for Shelby!
Now that I was dishing out independence, I decided to give Bubsy a serving as well. Bubsy had a cross country meet about an hour away on Saturday morning. He had to be at the school at 5:30am and I was completely exhausted since we didn't get in from the ball game until nearly midnight the night before.
I have been to EVERY sporting event that my kids have been involved in with the exception of one when my little sister was in labor with her first child and maybe one or two others for various reasons. I actually sat down and calculated how many sporting events I have been to over the past 10 years (that's really pathetic, right?) and I figured that I been to approximately 600 games and practices. Even though that number sounds quite impressive, it is really no different that most parents.
I am the typical team mom and have volunteered many, many hours to the leagues that the kids are involved in. I am the type that makes those stupid "team shirts" with my kids' names and jersey numbers on the back. I am, and will always be, their greatest fan, biggest supporter, and loudest cheerleader (well, that's debatable as restrictions have been set... read on). Now that Bubsy is in Junior High, I don't have to be the taxi driver when he has sporting events. He rides the bus with the rest of the team. And I have promised not to make stupid shirts and to keep my voice down to a modest cheer as I root him on. Oh, and I was told by Bubsy a few years ago, NOT to run out and check on him if he gets hurt... at least not until the coach asks me to. I learned that lesson after he got hurt in football and didn't get up off the field right away. When he finally sat up and looked around all he saw was his mother's fat ass running across the football field with her stupid shirt on, boobs flapping up and down with every step!! Yeah, I learned my lesson on that one!
Anyway (get to the point, right?), Bubsy had the CC meet real early and far away, so I decided to let him go BY HIMSELF! I took him up to the school and it was still dark outside. He had his gym bag (which I packed for him with a pillow, extra shorts, an energy bar, energy water and some money - he rolled his eyes when I gave it to him and told him what was in it!) as he climbed the three big steps up the bus. They were big steps, for both of us.
As I pulled out of the parking lot, leaving him to embark on his own journey and create his own memories, which I will not be fortunate enough to share with him, I felt the tears welling up again. This time I just let them flow. I was alone, it was dark outside, and as I traveled down that lonely farm road, further and further away from my baby boy, I had a good old fashioned cry. The likes of which hadn't been seen in quite some time. I knew at that point that I was letting go of a sliver of my control in their lives. Inch by inch, piece by piece, they will gain their freedom and I will realize that I can't be there to mend every skinned knee or wipe every nose. That's not my job now. My job has become more important and, likewise, more difficult. My job is to let go. I will do it little by little and I will not enjoy it, but I will get it done.